(613) 601-4264

Open hours: M-F 6am-7pm, Sat 8am-11am


At BTB, we prioritize coaching over mere access. Our gym is tailored for individuals who seek guidance, support, and expert coaching to enhance their fitness journey. We believe in fostering growth and achieving results through structured coaching, not just open gym access. Explore our variety of membership options below to find the perfect fit for your goals.

ExpressFit 45 Classes

Dive into ExpressFit 45 for a high-intensity, 45-minute blitz designed to amplify calorie burn and elevate your energy. Our sessions pack strength and cardio into dynamic intervals, delivering a quick, full-body workout that's both effective and exhilarating. It's the perfect power-up for busy lives—come ignite your fitness journey with us!

FAQs: ExpressFit 45

How long are your ExpressFit 45 classes?

Our ExpressFit 45 classes are precisely as the name suggests—45 minutes long. This duration is carefully chosen to maximize your metabolic response, giving you the best possible "bang for your buck" in terms of fitness results. We've tailored this program specifically for busy working professionals who want to see effective results quickly. Each session is optimized to enhance your fitness, boost your energy levels, and fit seamlessly into your hectic schedule, ensuring you can maintain regular workouts despite a busy lifestyle.

Do I need to be experienced to try this class?

No, you don't need any previous experience to join our ExpressFit 45 class. Our program is designed to be scalable, which means that exercises can be adjusted to accommodate various fitness levels. Whether you are just starting your fitness journey or are looking to push your limits, this class can be tailored to meet your needs. The challenge is what you make of it—our coaches are here to help ensure you find the right intensity for your workout. So, don’t hesitate to try this class; it’s a great opportunity to challenge yourself in a supportive environment.

Can I try a FREE ExpressFit class?

Absolutely! We offer your first class for FREE! This no-commitment opportunity allows you to experience our program firsthand and see how it aligns with your fitness goals. It's the perfect way to get a feel for the class atmosphere, meet our coaches, and determine if it's the right fit for you. We're confident you'll love the energy and community at Between The Bumpers, and we look forward to helping you start your fitness journey with us.

What is the structure of a typical ExpressFit class?

Our classes are meticulously designed to be efficient and meet the major fitness needs of most individuals. Here’s how we structure a typical session:

Dynamic Warm-Up (5-10 minutes): We begin with a dynamic warm-up to increase your heart rate, get you sweating, and properly prepare your body for the workout ahead.

Strength Training Block (12-16 minutes): Following the warm-up, we focus on building strength and muscle through functional movements. This segment utilizes a variety of equipment such as dumbbells, kettlebells, and body-weight exercises to enhance your strength in a balanced manner.

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Section (10-20 minutes): We then transition to our HIIT section, which is geared towards high-intensity fat-burning cardio training. This part of the class combines weights with cardiovascular exercises to maximize calorie burn and improve overall cardiovascular health.

Each class is structured to ensure you receive a balanced workout that addresses strength, muscle building, and cardiovascular fitness within a compact 45-minute session, making it ideal for anyone looking to get the most out of their gym time.

Semi-Private Training

Experience the personalized focus of one-on-one coaching combined with the motivation of a small group in our Semi-Private Training Class. With individualized attention and custom fitness plans in a supportive, semi-private environment, you'll achieve your health goals in record time. This class is your opportunity to thrive with tailored guidance and shared energy.

FAQs: Semi-Private Class

How is this different than personal training?

Semi-private training at Between The Bumpers combines the personalized attention of personal training with the communal atmosphere of a group session. Each participant in semi-private training receives a customized workout program tailored to their specific fitness goals. While the initial warm-up is conducted as a group, the main workout is individualized, allowing each person to follow their own regimen. This setup keeps the environment social and supportive as you train alongside others, yet ensures that your fitness program is personalized to your needs. This format offers the benefits of personalized training at a more accessible price point, making it an excellent option for those who enjoy both individualized attention and the motivating presence of a group.

Do I get my own program in this class?

Yes, in our semi-private training classes at Between The Bumpers, you receive a personalized training program tailored specifically to your fitness goals and needs. While the warm-up is conducted together with the group, the main portion of the session involves individualized plans that our coaches have developed for each participant. This allows you to focus on your own fitness objectives while working out in a supportive, social environment alongside others who are also following their custom programs. This personalized approach ensures that you make consistent progress tailored to your personal health and fitness goals. We will design a personalized workout for each day of the week that you train with us, and every 4-weeks we have you provide us with feedback so that we can continue to adapt your program with your ever evolving goals.

Why wouldn't I just do group classes?

Choosing semi-private training over group classes at Between The Bumpers offers several unique benefits. While group classes are great for energy and motivation, semi-private training provides a more tailored approach to your fitness:

Personalized Programming: You receive a custom workout plan designed specifically for your fitness level and goals. This personalization is ideal if you have specific objectives, need accommodations for injuries, or require focused coaching on certain skills.

Focused Attention: With a smaller group size, our coaches can give more individualized feedback and direct support throughout your session, helping you to refine techniques and ensure proper form.

Flexible Pacing: Your training can be adjusted more fluidly in a semi-private setting, allowing for modifications based on your performance and condition on any given day.

Social Interaction: While still benefiting from the community feel, semi-private training allows you to work alongside others without the larger class environment, fostering a different type of camaraderie and support.

Semi-private training is perfect for those who seek the community aspect of a group class but want more personalized guidance and coaching to achieve specific fitness goals.

How do I get started with semi-private training?

Getting started with our semi-private training at Between The Bumpers is a straightforward and personalized process:

  1. No Sweat Consultation: Begin with a free, no-obligation consultation where we discuss your fitness goals, health history, and what you hope to achieve with semi-private training.

  1. Assessment Session: Next, you'll have an assessment session with one of our coaches. This allows us to evaluate your current fitness level and any specific needs or limitations you might have.

  1. Program Design: Based on the consultation and assessment, we'll design the first phase of your personalized training program tailored to your goals and needs.

  1. Start Training: With your custom program in hand, you’ll begin your training sessions, working alongside a small group of peers in a supportive environment.

  1. Ongoing Review: Every four weeks, you'll review your program with your coach to assess progress and make necessary adjustments to keep you on track towards your goals.

This structured approach ensures that your training is effective, personalized, and adapted over time to meet your evolving fitness needs.

Strength & Conditioning Class

Forge a stronger, more resilient you with our Strength & Conditioning class, complete with a comprehensive onboarding program to set you up for success. This class emphasizes proper technique and progressive overload to enhance your power and performance. Start with the fundamentals and advance confidently, knowing you're prepared to tackle every challenge head-on.

FAQs: S&C Class

How Do I Get Started?

At Between The Bumpers, we ensure that all newcomers to our Strength & Conditioning classes begin their fitness journey with our On-Ramp program. This introductory course consists of up to five personalized 1-on-1 training sessions. The On-Ramp program is meticulously designed to prepare you physically and mentally for regular classes, teaching you the essential exercises, terminology, and class flow. Our goal is to build a solid fitness base, reduce injury risk, and ensure you are confident in your movements. By the end of the On-Ramp, you’ll be ready to join the community with confidence and a greater understanding of how to achieve your fitness goals safely and effectively. Join us to start your path to a fitter, stronger you.

Can I Skip The On-Ramp Program?

It depends on your background in functional fitness. If you have substantial experience with functional training methods, including familiarity with our core exercises and safety protocols, you may be eligible to skip all or part of the On-Ramp program. We evaluate each individual's skills and experience on a case-by-case basis to ensure safety and readiness for our group classes. Please schedule a consultation if you'd like to discuss your training history, and we can arrange for an assessment to determine the appropriate starting point for you at Between The Bumpers.

What Is The Structure Of Classes

Each of our 60-minute classes at Between The Bumpers is structured to provide a comprehensive workout experience, designed to improve fitness in a balanced and effective manner. The class flow includes:

  1. Warm-Up: We start with a dynamic warm-up to prepare your body for the workout, increasing your heart rate and loosening up your muscles.

  2. Skill Work: Next, we focus on skill development, where you'll practice specific movements that are key to the day’s workout. This could include anything from Olympic lifts to gymnastic skills, tailored to improve your technique and efficiency.

  3. Strength Training: The session then progresses to strength training, which aims to improve your overall strength through exercises that target major muscle groups.

  4. Metabolic Conditioning: Following strength training, we shift to metabolic conditioning, a high-intensity workout designed to boost your cardiovascular endurance and metabolic rate.

  5. Cool Down: Finally, we conclude with a cool-down period to gradually reduce your heart rate and stretch your muscles, aiding in recovery and flexibility.

    Each phase is designed to build upon the last, ensuring you get a full-body workout that enhances strength, endurance, and mobility, all within a supportive community setting.

What types of exercises are included in S&C Class?

Our classes at Between The Bumpers feature a diverse array of exercises designed to improve overall fitness, strength, and agility. Here’s what you can expect:

Gymnastics Movements: Exercises focusing on body control and flexibility, enhancing balance and agility. Pull-ups, rope climbs, toes to bar, etc...

Weightlifting: Techniques from Olympic-style and powerlifting to build core strength and power. Cleans, Snatches (here and there), Deadlifts, Squats, and more!

Dumbbell Workouts: Integrated for added resistance training to boost muscular endurance. DB presses, snatches, goblet squats, lunges, rows and much more!

High-Intensity Cardio: Including activities like rowing, running, and jump roping to elevate heart rate and endurance. We also use bikes, ski ergs, hay bales...that's right we are on a farm and push some bales around in the summer!

Skill-Based Exercises: Such as rope climbs and box jumps, Turkish get ups, combining strength with technique to refine overall physical skills.

Understanding that the variety and intensity of these exercises might seem daunting, we place great emphasis on making the experience accessible and less intimidating. Our On-Ramp program and the skill development segment of each class are designed to ensure that everyone, regardless of their fitness level, learns the proper techniques and finds the right scaling options for their abilities. Our goal is to make sure you feel confident and safe in your fitness journey, equipped with the knowledge to perform each exercise effectively and securely.

Personal Training

Unlock fluid movement and prevent injury with our Mobility Mastery Program. This program focuses on enhancing your range of motion, joint stability, and overall functional mobility. Through a blend of targeted stretches, corrective exercises, and mobility drills, you'll address imbalances, improve posture, and cultivate the freedom to move with ease. Ideal for individuals looking to address tightness, enhance athletic performance, or simply move better in daily life, our Mobility Mastery classes offer a holistic approach to fitness that prioritizes your body's longevity and vitality.


Rehab Class

Find your inner balance and restore your mind-body connection with our Post-partum rehab class. This program is designed to enhance flexibility, reduce stress, and cultivate mindfulness through a sequence of rejuvenating workouts. Each session is carefully crafted to nurture your body's well-being and promote recovery. Dr. Marie-Pier runs these sessions multiple times per year in 4 to 6-week blocks.

FAQs: Post-Partum Class

When does the program run?

BTB Administrative AssistantHere’s a FAQ blurb for the post-partum rehab class at your gym:When does the Post-Partum Rehab program run?Our Post-Partum Rehab program is specially designed to support new mothers in their recovery and strength-building journey after childbirth. The program runs in 4-week blocks several times throughout the year, allowing for flexibility and ongoing enrollment opportunities. Classes are scheduled for Mondays and Fridays from 10 AM to 11 AM. This timing is chosen to accommodate the schedules of new parents as much as possible. For more details on the next available session or to register, please email us at [email protected]. We're here to support you with dedicated, nurturing care as you regain strength and confidence in your post-partum body.

Can I bring my baby with me to the Post-Partum Rehab class?

Absolutely! We encourage you to bring your newborn along for the ride. Our Post-Partum Rehab program is designed with new mothers in mind, recognizing the need to keep your little one close during these early months. The environment is supportive and welcoming, allowing you to focus on your rehabilitation and strength training without the worry of childcare. It's a great opportunity for both bonding with your baby and connecting with other new parents in a fitness setting.

Is the program billable through insurance?

Yes, most insurance plans that cover chiropractic care will also allow you to expense our Post-Partum Rehab program. We recommend checking with your insurance provider to confirm the specifics of your coverage. This can be a great way to make the most of your benefits while you work on regaining strength and wellness after childbirth. If you need any documentation or assistance from our side to facilitate your claim, please let us know, and we will be happy to help.

Is the Post-Partum Rehab program a good option to do before joining group classes?

Yes, absolutely! Our Post-Partum Rehab program is an excellent choice for new mothers looking to transition into regular group fitness classes. This program focuses on rebuilding core strength, enhancing flexibility, and overall physical recovery, which are crucial after childbirth. By participating in the rehab program, you'll regain confidence in your body's capabilities and establish a solid fitness foundation. This makes it easier and more effective to step into more general group classes, ensuring you continue your fitness journey safely and effectively.

Teens Strength & Conditioning Class

Energize your kids with our Teens Strength & Conditioning class! Tailored for teens new to the gym, this class lays the groundwork for lifelong fitness, focusing on safe techniques and strength-building fundamentals. Get ready to boost kids confidence, health, energy and vitality in every session.

Corporate Programs

Transform your workplace with our Corporate Wellness Program, designed to cultivate a healthier, more energetic workforce. Our program aims to reduce sick days, enhance employee retention, and boost overall productivity. Through tailored fitness routines and wellness education, we empower your team to achieve optimal health and a balanced work-life synergy.

Kids Fitness Class

Jumpstart your child’s love for movement with our Kids Fitness class! Designed to engage children through fun, energetic activities, this class builds a foundation for healthy living. Our sessions enhance coordination, increase confidence, and encourage a positive attitude toward physical activity. It’s all about having fun while learning the fundamentals of fitness.

Sports Team Training

Boost your team’s performance with our Sports Team Training program. Ideal for off-season and in-season preparation, this program focuses on dryland training techniques that enhance strength, agility, and endurance. Tailored to fit your team’s specific needs, our training ensures every athlete gains a competitive edge, both physically and mentally.

Facility Rental

Bring your event to life at our beautiful one of a kind rustic facility! Perfect for workshops, team events, or special training sessions, our space offers a versatile environment with top-notch equipment and amenities. Rent our facility and create an unforgettable experience in a setting designed for peak performance and engagement.

Online Templated Programs

Our Online Training Templated Programs offer a structured path to success for those who value independence but desire professional guidance. These programs are crafted based on proven strategies to improve strength, flexibility, and overall health. Each template provides a comprehensive workout schedule that you can follow at your own pace, making it perfect for busy individuals looking to enhance their fitness efficiently and effectively.

Online 1-on-1 Coaching

Elevate your fitness from anywhere with our 1-on-1 Online Coaching. This program provides personalized training and direct access to expert coaching, tailored to your specific goals and schedule. Ideal for those seeking focused attention and customized workouts, our online coaching helps you achieve your fitness objectives with the flexibility and convenience of training wherever you are.

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We're more than just a gym — we're a catalyst for transformation in Stittsville. Embark on a journey to elevate your health and wellness with our expertly designed fitness classes, personalized coaching, and an unwavering commuSocial Iconsnity spirit.


Mon-Fri: 6am - 7pm

Sat: 9am - 11am

Sun: Closed


Between The Bumpers Fitness
6511 Fernbank Road

Stittsville, ON K2S1B6

(613) 801-8684

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